Stand Alone

A Disciple Making Church - Nehemiah 3

What does an obscure text in Nehemiah about a wall being built have to do with discipleship in the church today? More than you think. We often shift the responsibility of the tasks we are given to "the professionals." This often happens with discipleship as well. We shift the responsibility to help disciple, instruct and love others to the "pro Christians" who can handle the task. 

This obscure story about a list of people who did their part to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem points us to the truth that those people were significant in their insignificance to accomplish the task at hand. It takes a community of people, some of which who may seem insignificant, to disciple a person to walk with Jesus. 

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Evangelism - Acts 26 - Bryan Hart

Bryan Hart, the guest speaker for this week, is a pastor at One Harbor Church in Morehead City, NC. He preached from Acts 26 about how evangelism is often misunderstood and left to the "professional christians." We can learn from Paul's example that our motivation for sharing our faith does not come from our own gifting but rather through our right response to the work that Jesus has done. 

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The Gospel is For Everyone - Acts 16 - Ethan Welch

Pastor Ethan Welch from The Bridge Church, currently being planted in Wilmington NC, preached from Acts chapter 16. 

The Gospel is for everyone. Its for the wealthy religious upperclass like Lydia. It is for the poor addicted lower class slave girl. The gospel is for the middle class Roman guard who thinks he is getting along just fine. The gospel transcends race, class, status, and circumstances to change everything about us through the person and work of Jesus. 

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Psalm 28 - Elliot Grudem

There are obviously things in life that cause us great anxiety, where we don’t know what we’re doing or understand what’s going on. One of the best ways to confront these feelings is through prayer.

Prayer is God’s gift to us, to bridge the gap between our present realities and our future hope, and a consistent prayer life is a powerful way to increase trust in and love for God, deepen a relationship with Him, and learn to focus more and more on the eternally significant things in life.