Faithfulness to God is not decided in the moment, it's something you prepare for.
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At Veritas we are committed to preaching and teaching each week from the Bible about Jesus. Each week we post our sermons online for those of us who are unable to attend our weekly gatherings.
Faithfulness to God is not decided in the moment, it's something you prepare for.
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You can't escape or educate your way out of judgment, you can only entrust your way out of judgment.
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God humbles those who will not humble themselves, and he lifts up the humbled by his grace.
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Courage comes from knowing God is the only God, God is enough, and God walks in the fire with you.
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We can fear and trust God because God is faithful and in control.
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Remaining faithful to God often involves enduring trials, but God chooses to reveal His presence during these challenges and bless us through them.
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God frees us for mission by freeing us from bigotry and from ourselves.
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God is committed to showing his heart for sinners, to receive his mercy, through imperfect messengers.
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Because Jesus is unchanging we can live lives changed by him.
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Because Jesus is unchanging we can live lives changed by him.
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Through Jesus, you've come to a better mountain, so don't reject God's word to you.
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God wants us to see suffering as his discipline and submit to his discipline so that we can endure.
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If we are going to run the race of following Jesus we are going to need to rid ourselves of anything weighing us down and lock our eyes on him.
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True faith demonstrates trust in the promises of God, looks forward and hopes in God’s greater reward, and perseveres through challenge and suffering.
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Faith believes what it does not see and takes God at his word.
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God warns us and refocuses us on our future hope.
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Since the priestly work of Christ has established the privilege of access to God we should approach God faithfully, firmly maintain our confession, and find ways to encourage others.
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Jesus offers himself as a better sacrifice that perfects us once and for all.
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The blood of Jesus brings us better purity and access to God than the law ever could.
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